We’re changing the way people eat their veggies.
Our Story
Like many new small businesses, we got started during the pandemic. We like to think of ourselves a little bit as preppers. We try to be prepared for emergencies and have supplies on hand. Every hurricane season we make sure we are stocked up. In 2020, when the lockdown began, and supply chains came to a halt most of us noticed a lack of food choices in the grocery stores. We are spoiled compared to a lot of people around the world and want what we want when we want it. It was hard to see grocery store shelves so bare.
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Find My Tiny Greens in Lakeland
You can find My Tiny Greens by pre-ordering and picking up at Anthony’s Health Hut on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month.
You can also visit either The Old South Country Market or Anthony’s health hut and find them in their coolers